Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Title

Novel: The Tenacious Trio, And The Missing Parents
Genre: Adventure


Alisa said...

Hey you've got a title, great!
What's your word count goal? You've only got until tommorrow.

Amy said...

Oh, you really did use the 'Tenacious Trio'! Yay! Your novel is great... write like crazy tomorrow! Some days I got a couple thousand words done... you just have to get on a roll and ABSOLUTELY NO EDITING, that was the hardest part. You'll have the rest of your life to edit it!! (I had to keep reminding myself!) Your novel is great. I know you'll finish it!!

Annette said...

Good advice from Amy. :)

I like your title, too! It's nice to have a community of writers helping you out and cheering you along the way, isn't it? I personally hate coming up with titles--it's the hardest part of writing for me! I'm glad you have a nice creative one.

Mrs. Bannister

Mikaela said...

I know you can do it!!!! Keep going and don't stop. Write all day tomorrow.
P.S. I like your title :)