Wednesday, June 11, 2008


i have to keep blogging! but time is no friend right now, and neither is geometry. I positively dislike geo. (Nana and Aitona want me to stay positive about it, so I am! (not really)) but I have no time now either. I am tired.... 'night!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


blog blog blog blog,
sounds like clog,
but people hate clogs in their sink,
and blogs on their computer they love.
Blog blog blog,
I love my dog!
i kinda like frogs,
no, i dont like swampy smelly bogs,
but i enjoy my blog!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Okay, the REAL meaning of Easter. No bunnies leaving eggs (I wonder who came up with that.....), chocolate bunnies (though they taste sooo good!! I'm eating one right now.... YUM!!!) (yeah, that was my sweet tooth talking. she's got a biiig mouth) Anyway... Easter! (I'm rambling here.... I shoud get to the point finally!! ARGH! I get sidetracked easily.....) Easter! (I promise that I will stop using these things and get to the point... eventually. bear with me here please!!) Easter's real meaning is Jesus' (right grammar? don't know, don't care. Sorry if it's not but... whatever!) ressurection. He died on Good Friday for our sins. After he died, the curtain in the temple ripped in half. (that was really important, because only the priests could talk to God in there, and no one but the priests were allowed in there, but when Jesus died for our sins, he broke that barrier, and now we can talk to God ourselves!) (Cool, isn't it?) (and, that was a good ( ) thing, right??) Ok, but 3 days after Jesus' tragic death on the cross, he rose again! (I know he did, because there never was any proof against it, and the Bible prophesied it!) So Jesus rose again, and I really don't know how the whole Bunnies and eggs thing came around. That's fun and all, but we should never never ever forget the real meaning of this very important day. Well, there was my little easter blog post. Enjoy! I'm going to watch a movie right now. BYE!! AND HAPPY EASTER!!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008


more logic and more and more and more!!!! help me! im drowning in the logical sea! suffocating from the dust in my book! my dog agrees with me, it takes too much time! not enough left to take her outside because of logic!!! ugh! help me!!!!! drowning..... blub blub blub.... I feel like a girl version of Jonah right now! (but there is no logical whale to swallow me)
wwaaaaa!! i would rather go play my guitar right now! but i can't! i have logic, then a weekly analysis(also logic) and then i have a geometry test!! agh! geometry is almost as bad as logic!!! save me!!!

oh well, i will go finish (shiver) the (apprehensive look) LOGIC!!! (NOOOO!!! but i have to!!) well, i hope i will survive to blog again! until then, goodbye! audios! (my conscience: just finish already! you can blog after that!) so so long, farewell, avederzein adieu! (sound of music, the goodnight song)


Sunday, February 24, 2008


I had an AWESOMELY EPIC week at a nameless island. Amy, Megan (she used to blog), Emily, my brother Davis, and a bunch of other people that would be just random names to you, went. So did my bro. While I was was there, I turned..... 14!!!!!!
We went rock climbing, and all that great stuff that i mentioned in my poll, which you HAVE to vote in since you are reading my blog!!!!! Otherwise you can't read it anymore, (jk, but i will be mad!!!! jk again. but vote!!!!!!!!) we went kayaking, and while we were eating lunch, we were talking to one of our counselors about logic, we mentioned Socrates, and someone in our group said, "Socrates.... He was a rockstar, right?" I cracked up, and so did my logic buddies. Socrates was a philosopher, and he HATED music! then the same guy thought Hilary Clinton was a rockstar! but he was kidding (i think). I want to go BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone there was so awesome! They made me feel really good on my b-day. the cake was great!

The only bad part was the dissect-a-squid lab. GROSS!!! and that we didn't get to see our crab get eaten by the octopus. just a lively game of tag involving a hand, a full octopus, and a really scared crab.

The mazes.... AWESOMELY EPIC!!!!! i loved the whole island and our counselors. I WANT TO GO BACK!!!!!

Anyway.... I'll tell you more later, I'm going to karate. And I'm going to ask them to teach me how to do a backflip!! (I can do them in my pool, but not on land.)

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Today was a great day!! We celebrated my birthday today because I will be on a nameless island wth Amy and some other friends on my real bday.
My sis gave me a really cool shirt that says the name of the karate school that I go to, and I'm a red belt there! My brother led me on a scavenger hunt, and with each clue gave me a guitar pick. I got 10, so now I have 15. then, he gave me a new cord for my amp (my old one shorted out and blew up.... jk. it did short though.) and a distortion pedal!! Its my 1st one, and its soo cool! my mom and dad gave me new rollerblades, they are awesome!!!!! we had doughnuts and sausage for breakfast, and went to Britni's b-ball game. She won, 30-18, and scored her 1st basket!! when the game was over, we went to lunch/dinner and the food was great! After my dad told the waiters that it was my bday and they sang an embarrasing (sorta, i kinda liked the attention) little song, they brought me a cookie-sundae! it was really good, and even with the help of Davis and Britni we couldnt finish it! after that though, we went rollerblading with my new blades for a while. that was fun and we stopped by the skate park. it was too crowded too really skate in there, but my mom said that she would take me next friday. we got home and watched a movie for a little while, and now im writing this right before bed. im tired, but im almost 14!!!! YAY!!!! I can't believe I will be 14......

Monday, February 11, 2008

Nothing to say....

I have Nothing to say!! aaagh! What a shame. oh well, I am really tired right now. I went surfing with my mom, and the water was soo cold! I got popsicle head. it feels like a migrane (i think, I've never had one. but it hurts more than a normal headache.) I'll blog again in a few minutes, when the popsicle head goes away. (it went away before, but it's back now. Aagh!!!) maybe,or you might have to wait util tomorrow, this popsicle head is going to bed!! Aah, warm bed.... Goodnight!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Relient k

Relient k is my favorite band ever! No, I'm not just a maniac fan, but I am playing their music in my band! We're working on Pressing On, the song I am currently listening. If you have never heard of Relient k before, look them up on iTunes. I command you too!
That above is the link to see Pressing On vid,

Below is the Be My Escape vid.

Here's Must Have Done Something Right



Sorry!! I haven't blogged for.... I don't know how long!! oops! But I have been really busy with this new band I've been in and the JH worship band. Karate, programming, Worship Workshop, Youth Group, Hero (my bro & I's band. bad grammar, I know!) soccer, and hanging out with friends has left me with no time for blogging! But I will try to stay blogging as much as possible.
In the band, Hero, I play lead guitar. It is soo awesome! Davis plays the drums (Yeah, he's good! don't tell him I said that though! ;-) His friend T plays other guitar, his friend B plays bass, and another friend of his, J, plays keyboard. Davis, T, B, & J sing. Not me. We're doing Pressing On by Relient k. look it up on itunes!
Umm, g2g now, but I will blog tomorrow. Mom will probably make me for writing......
See ya!!!