Sunday, March 23, 2008


Okay, the REAL meaning of Easter. No bunnies leaving eggs (I wonder who came up with that.....), chocolate bunnies (though they taste sooo good!! I'm eating one right now.... YUM!!!) (yeah, that was my sweet tooth talking. she's got a biiig mouth) Anyway... Easter! (I'm rambling here.... I shoud get to the point finally!! ARGH! I get sidetracked easily.....) Easter! (I promise that I will stop using these things and get to the point... eventually. bear with me here please!!) Easter's real meaning is Jesus' (right grammar? don't know, don't care. Sorry if it's not but... whatever!) ressurection. He died on Good Friday for our sins. After he died, the curtain in the temple ripped in half. (that was really important, because only the priests could talk to God in there, and no one but the priests were allowed in there, but when Jesus died for our sins, he broke that barrier, and now we can talk to God ourselves!) (Cool, isn't it?) (and, that was a good ( ) thing, right??) Ok, but 3 days after Jesus' tragic death on the cross, he rose again! (I know he did, because there never was any proof against it, and the Bible prophesied it!) So Jesus rose again, and I really don't know how the whole Bunnies and eggs thing came around. That's fun and all, but we should never never ever forget the real meaning of this very important day. Well, there was my little easter blog post. Enjoy! I'm going to watch a movie right now. BYE!! AND HAPPY EASTER!!!!


Alisa said...

Danielle you are a complete goofball! (I mean that in a good way!) Your little quirks, and comments make your posts definitely unique! I like it, keep posting!

Alisa said...

Oh! I just read your prayer request section! He's okay?!! Wow, that was quick, thank the Lord! I'll change my prayer request, and put something different on it, since you already put the results. =)

Drew Kenneth said...

The whole egg thing came from early Christians. Eggs are supposed to be symbols of life. As for the bunnies... I guess they're symbols of spring. You know,hop,spring.

Alisa said...

Hey Danielle I sent you me letter two days ago. There's a section in that letter where I wrote I would pray for your dad. Oops, sorry! It's snail mail you know? So, that part is a little old. Anyway, I'm still glad he's okay.

Amy said...

I'm glad your dad's okay! And I liked your post!

Danielle T. said...

Thanks guys!

Alisa said...

Hey I sent your letter!

Alisa said...

Oh man! I'll be sure to remember your prayer requests! That's good you're asking for God's direction, I'm sure He'll answer. Keep asking! Your letter will arrive soon!